
23 Aberdeen Court

Historical profitability of real estate development
Buying a flat for its market value increase and subsequent sale
We bought the flat in the Maida Vale area of London. Its total area was 80 square meters. The purchase price was £750,000, including stamp duty and legal fees
The local consulate permitted us to remodel the flat to add a second bathroom. The construction budget was £150,000. The construction work took over 3 months. We bought finishing materials in Poland

Resale in finished form after 6 months amounted to £1,100,000. The turnkey implementation period for this project was 12 months

Return on invested capital

Income before taxes
12 months


Net profits are taxed in the UK at a rate of 20%, at the level of the company’s operating profits. There are no taxes on profits from the increase in the value of objects when distributing dividends or interest

Sale of shares

The exit takes place upon the sale of the object


Unaudited consolidated financial statements of the holding company are provided to investors annually in early March
Performing a cycle of repair and pre-sale work in the shortest possible time

Getting maximum profit from sales
Flats are bought only in prestigious areas and must meet several criteria that affect their subsequent liquidity, attractiveness, and cost
We achieve increased value through the following activities and factors

Obtaining permission to modernize the flat layout

Interior layout and design, decoration, and furnishings

Repair, finishing, and construction work

Market growth
Do you want to?
If you want to live in unity with nature and influence the development of environmental styles in modern architecture and design, our team is ready to help you. We will accompany you at all the project’s stages, from design development to its implementation in life

Our services in development

We provide a range of services in real estate development
Search and analysis
Selecting a cost-effective project
Obtaining all documentation and permits for the project implementation from executive authorities
Designation of conditions for attracting investments
Construction work
High-quality work of contractors and control over the implementation of assigned tasks
Selling real estate

Property development for you

With the help of our experts, a long forgotten and unremarkable building can be given a new life. Our team can breathe new life into any property
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Completed projects